
Scent Detection

This is a sport where a scent is hidden out of sight, where the dog must go to find it and then also communicate to the handler that it has been found. Dogs naturally love using their nose, and scent detection sports and games are excellent mental and physical stimulation for working breeds such as the Am Staff. There are other competitive nosework sports such as tracking (usually over long distances the finding of people, articles such as in search and rescue, etc.) and Earthdog tests.
October 13-14, 2024: ASTCC Scent Detection Trial Held in Calgary, Alberta

Canadian Kennel Club Scent Detection Events

Canadian Association of Professional Dog Trainers

SDDA (Sporting Detection Dogs Association)'s website is a wealth of information, where you can find how to start in competitive nosework with your dog or attend club events!

The North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA)

The North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA) was formed in 2016 to demonstrate the breadth of these olfactory abilities. Trials are designed to resemble both historic working and competitive field work as closely as possible. NASDA Working Dog Trials offer an opportunity for all dogs to engage in scent games previously open to only a select few breeds and working dogs. Competing teams can get titles and championships that showcase their merits and abilities within hunt and search situations.

NASDA Website

Barn Hunt

What is Barn Hunt?
The Barn Hunt Association describes Barn Hunt as a dog sport which is based on the traditional role of terriers in the ridding of vermin such as rats and mice. It consists of a dog using its nose to find, usually within stacks of hay, a safely-caged rat. It's a fun and family-friendly sport and is both a great way for breeders to test the working traits in their dogs but also for any owner to try out new things with their pet dog.
Barn Hunt is gaining popularity quickly! Check out the The Barn Hunt Association Club List to find clubs offering Barn Hunt training in your area.